I've got BIG news for you....wait for it...today I moved to Birmingham, Alabama to work for BBVA Compass as a community relations specialist!
Yeah, you read that right! I'll be working in corporate BUT using corporate funds to reach low-income neighborhoods in Alabama to provide financial education programs! I'll also be working with UT Austin on a really great program aimed at encouraging social entrepreneurship!
For how long??
The plan is that I'll be living in Birmingham for a year!What I'm hoping for...
In all honesty, I never saw myself working for a corporation. I've worked for social enterprises and nonprofits and loved being a part of that world! When I got this opportunity (all totally random and totally God) I was extremely hesitant. But since getting to meet the community relations department at BBVA, they all seemed INCREDIBLE! I met people who are passionate about what they're doing and excited to share a glimpse of that with me. Pretty soon I started seeing how these programs had vision and I saw myself advocating and reaching out to people on behalf of this company. I'm hoping that through this job my perspective on corporations transforms. I'm hoping that within this year I'll be able to see just how many corporate companies are providing incredible resources to otherwise forgotten communities.
What I'm choosing...
I'm choosing to feel peace about it and settling on the fact that there is purpose embedded into everything. I'm choosing to see it as more than a job but an incredible story of adventure waiting for me to jump into it. I read somewhere that everything isn't what it two-dimensionally presents itself to be. There's more to our jobs, there's more to school and there's more to waiting for the next opportunity. Choose to go beyond the surface, beyond what might appear seemingly dull or beyond rejection. Choose a depth of feeling that can be hard but can reward you in so many ways!
I'm excited (and let's be real NERVOUS) about this next chapter of my life and hope you'll join me on the ride! I'm formally (and casually) inviting you to visit me in Alabama!! Seriously, if you're ever in the neighborhood, aka the deep South, reach out to me!
YAYYYYYY OMG SO HAPPY FOR YOU AMIGA!!!! Yayayayyaayayayayy!!!!